Monday, March 10, 2008

The Evolution Of Man Kind

Human evolution. It really exist. however, Human evolution is co-related to the surrounding environment in order to evolve.
WNE'World Nation Evolution ' suggest that you might be 1 of these following evolution :-

Example of human that evolve into the above state can be clearly seen from here, speciment 7878Mon776Key could be originated from 1 of the above, BE HOLD!!!


It even comes with BAPE branded jacket

Not all are evolved that way, for example :-

Speciment 6BIA767WaKK is a special species which evolve not from monkeys. Yes people, but from BIAWAKK!!!!


DULAN face

Meanwhile, as for LIM, He use to work for the scourge during his holiday at hell. so his true form was actually from dota. can u notice one of butcher hand with a hippies Rock symbolic sign? to proof that he is from hell. powered by digi, digi have help to identity the rock symbolic & it proof to be really originated from hell.


Looks a like right?

but now LIM is trying to forget his past, so he is actually wearing a fake pair of glasses to cover his face. but his fat-ness 'haha' cannot be cover. so, dun deny it lim. Admit it! that u r from the descendants of the bucther. not monkey. ala lim~
But recently, there have been some evolution advancement which we ourself does not know about it. it's called EMO. as u can see, EMO stands for 'Emotionally Manja Otaku' which can be very advance in mankind evolution but it's kinda stupid. speciment CT6767berKKK is by far the most advance creature that we manage to capture, see for yourself of his special habit.
he is from the monkey race no doubt, but with an aghanim scepter to improve his evolution, so now he have obtain 1 step forward of evolution advancement called EMO

with his EMO-ness, life to him/her, does not mean anything to him. like no hope, only sleep, sleep. also got the sadness bikin panas face.but sooner or later he will eventually become like this, his true form.

Looks of CT after bankai 'true form'

why this evolution could be dangerous?

Well, as u can see, imagine that everyone is EMO like this kid, meaning if 1 day, u are at the restaurant, u call the waiter, & waited for 5 minutes, soon, u leave while leaving this behind.

Do u think it's nice?

You may. PAUSE, noT!!!!


A"LeX" said...

I saw MoNyeT! Wakakaka!

Bah! Rasmi dulu ni comment... hehe!

Miki said...

OMG jess.. i tot serious blog wa.. sekali see... zha lan dou... lolx.. but u make me laugh la...

Pheobe said...

cool....!! i like all these~~ =P