Monday, May 12, 2008

The Official heng tai men council, brethen COURT

wahahahha, behold!!!!

THOU shall see the return of J3sS senpai starting his Blog once more.

* PS *sorry for those who are waiting for so long, i'm darn too busy with my life, many things happen, so i kinda screw up this blog. FEAR NOT! for I shall continue it back ^^

for the entry since i have been long long away from my blog. i shall introduce my to those people who have never seen or dont really know who are my heng tai, here there are :-

Guy with monkey face on T-shirt = Chua yang miang 'A miang monkey' doing family business, very rich. no need to study edi. haha.

Middle = J3sS Founder of the Clan, Brenthen Court "consist of 5 members", introduce Dota to the heng tai

right = wong cheng how 'sorry girls, he already have a good , beautiful, sexy, cool looking gf' currenly waiting for the intake to become chef, soon, he can cook abalone for me XD

the Cut Picture 'the 1 at the back = this is a sohai, ang vui siang, currently in australia, studying M & E in degree.

orange looked T-shirt = sylvester leong. now current job, baby sitting while waiting for UNI intake.1 day when to his house, he carry the baby, AS IF IT IS HIS BABY. SO darn CUTE XD


TimW said...

You forgot one arrow, The one to your dulan face. LoL. You guys should form a Superhero Team. Monkeyman, Pornman, Jessicaman, Dateman and Catman. I'll leave u to think who is who.

Miki said...

u all really can be the new League of (fill in the blank) Gentlemen... really like super hero team.. =.=" but dunno is saving the world, or saving the porn in the world... =.="

TimW said...

If I know these people, Its Porn All the Way. They need it so it goes onto their harddrives.

Pheobe said...

how bout the guy with kiddy hats on?? why no further explanation?? hahaz..